Wednesday, May 14, 2008


Today we were blessed with 10,000 dollars for ICRYFREEDOM! I really am amazed! a little over 15,000 raised thus far!

Praise God!

He is good!

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Headlights: Everyone Should Own One

So, I have about a week and a-half left until I ship out, and I'm going nuts. I am literally counting down the minutes until I can get on that plane, which is lending itself to compulsive facebook checking, constant napping, and incessantly trying on my entire wardrobe 20 times. The restlessness is driving me to do things like read and write, a TON, which is probably making me immensely smarter, but who wants that, right? So yah, when I write for the sake of boredom, I usually write short stories or some strannnngggeeeeee seemingly boring research topic (3 days ago I watched a documentary on whether or not large black cats have been seen in the Mid-West, beginning from the Northern borders of Texas, all the way up to the Dakotas. Many scientist claim it impossible, but I think otherwise. . . . ) but recently, this boredom-induced writing seizure took the form of "List Making." I've composed about 30 lists of practical/random things such as:
*Items to take on the plane with me
*To-Do's for this week
*My Top 10 Favorite Colors, Movies, Books, ect. . . the list goes on
*What I want to be when I grow up
*Strange things I want to do but have never done
. . . . . . . . you get the idea. As I was in church this morning, I composed a few other lists. When I returned home after MOMS DAY lunch, (Shout out to all of the moms out there. . . holla) I re-read my lists. Here is one:
Things I Hate The Most

10.Feeling inadequate
9. Selfishness
8. Complaining
7. Stereotypes
6. When someone dislikes me or is mad at me
5. The feeling of "too much, not enough." Being unbalanced, you could say.
4. Worrying for no reason (like I tend to do ALOT)
3. Being used
2. Lying

I completely support the whole, no one should hate policy, but I believe that the list I composed are all pretty okay, unrighteous things that I am, therefore; allowed to hate. . . anyways. . . My thoughts were then turned to my 15 boys I was blessed with last year at CAMP LIFE 07, and honestly, woooowwwww how LAME are my "top 10 things that I hate?" I really want to ask them this year if they can write down the top 10 things that they hate and see if any of them even closely compare with mine. I think the general consensus upon reading all of the lists of "hates" could be complied into one category: SIN. Big, selfish, nasty, hateful SIN. These kids, out of anyone in the WORLD, know sin when they see it. They are asphyxiated by it. It consumes their homes, their streets, their being, like a huge cloud of black smoke, smothering and choking the life out of everything it permeates. I hate it. It makes me sooooooo angry to look into the eyes of my innocent, precious boys and see the fear Satan has ingrained into their brains since they were born. I hate it. I miss them. I dream about them sometimes. Seeing them run to me and I get to hold them. Just sit and hold them and cry with them. I long for that like, NOW! :)

Please pray every single last 15 of them come back to camp. . . .

. . . and pray that crazy angels will expedite this seemingly sloth-like week and a-half and FLY me to Zambia ASAP, if not sooner!
At the same time I'm restless, I thank God for giving me some time to really prepare. I just need stop, and rest in His peace!
"But trust in the God who loves consistently and faithfully nurtures confident, free disciples. A loving God fosters a loving people."

The Ragamuffin Gospel
Ohhhh P.S. I bought an AMAZING head-light that I've been playing with all day! I'm in my room with all of the lights off as we speak "blogging" if you will, and reading with it on! It even has what I like to call the "epileptic ceizure" setting where it just flashes constantly, like a strobe light, but blinding and deadly! well, not deadly, but that would be cool if it was. . . watch out all you night drivers and ceizure-proned peeps. . . Kasey's gotta head-light :)

Friday, May 9, 2008

OKAY, soooo. . . I'm going to be in Lusaka, Zambia for 6 weeks this summer, and this is just a little way of letting my friends and family know whats all going down in Africa!

I'm pretty much uber excited to share this with ya, so I will start posting as SOON as I leave the country!

Please keep me, as well as the rest of Family Legacy in your prayers continually, but mostly and WAY more importantly, pray for every kid we come in contact with there!

on a lighter note, pray I can find Jude Law when I get to London. . . :)