Friday, September 5, 2008

Estoy en la biblioteca

so yes, I started school. I have some pretty amazingly interesting classes, which is cool, but I really really was not created for institutionalized learning. Like, for reals guys. I am soooooo grateful that my parents can send me to a great school, and I am taking every advantage I can to learn everything that I need to know to better "equip" me for whatevers after this, but ahhhhhh! I am going nuts! It is stifling my creative soul! ha I am whining now, but yah, now you know my current predicament.

As soon as I woke up in Zambia, I would put my iPod in as I was getting ready. I listened to the same playlist every morning. I listened to it this morning as I was getting ready to go to class, and I really hurt. Ha, I hurt to be back. I dream about it. Almost every night. My heart lives there now! ha

If anyone could pray for me to be "all here" like Jim Elliot says.

Yesu Ateke. . .