Saturday, December 27, 2008

Apparently, there aint no party like an S-Club party? who knew.

Upon being enlightened by Justin "bringing sexy back," I decided right then and there that I was to also, on a yearly basis, bring something back.  My first thing for 2009 will be the parachute.  The kind that you get to use on special occasions in 2nd grade where your class gets to go outside and each person holds a handle and you make it fly up and down, and sometimes you put bean bags on it and make them fly up, and you can run under it (taking turns of course) and Yes. That is what my first long since forgotten "fad" or item i will reinstate back into society. The leisure/party parachute. Please contact me if you know how I might acquire one. 
You're welcome.  

Friday, December 26, 2008

All I want for Christmas is Christmas. . . really

Christmas. . . ohyes. . . Christmas
If I could write a song about Christmas (which I wouldn't, because I pretty much loath holiday music), It would be entitled, "Oh man, I almost just died via shopping cart driven by father 10 minutes before Target closes on Christmas Eve."  Lengthy, yes, but poignant, double yes.  People are a bag full of crazzzzayyy around Christmas.  A man was trampled last month in front of a department store the day after Thanksgiving because of STUFF!!  OH MY GOSH!  I can't yell it loud enough! OHHH MY GOSH WHAT IS WRONG WITH US!?! ha seriously, how crazy has our cultured transformed a once pure, glorifying holiday of thanks for God's provision, into a consumer driven whack-fest of material glory.  It is so dumb.  SO dumb.  I want to know how we got this far?  im done ranting, i guess.   

I also want to propose an idea to the world (or at least the people I'm friends with, present and future).  Let us give up texting so if I give it up, I will still get invited places and talked to?  please?  Let me know if anyone wants to jump aboard the Anti-Texting Train and take a ride?!  :)  love love love