Friday, December 26, 2008

All I want for Christmas is Christmas. . . really

Christmas. . . ohyes. . . Christmas
If I could write a song about Christmas (which I wouldn't, because I pretty much loath holiday music), It would be entitled, "Oh man, I almost just died via shopping cart driven by father 10 minutes before Target closes on Christmas Eve."  Lengthy, yes, but poignant, double yes.  People are a bag full of crazzzzayyy around Christmas.  A man was trampled last month in front of a department store the day after Thanksgiving because of STUFF!!  OH MY GOSH!  I can't yell it loud enough! OHHH MY GOSH WHAT IS WRONG WITH US!?! ha seriously, how crazy has our cultured transformed a once pure, glorifying holiday of thanks for God's provision, into a consumer driven whack-fest of material glory.  It is so dumb.  SO dumb.  I want to know how we got this far?  im done ranting, i guess.   

I also want to propose an idea to the world (or at least the people I'm friends with, present and future).  Let us give up texting so if I give it up, I will still get invited places and talked to?  please?  Let me know if anyone wants to jump aboard the Anti-Texting Train and take a ride?!  :)  love love love

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