Saturday, May 23, 2009

Departure?? Yes Please

I leave tomorrow at 8 pm

Had the BEST last day at home in a while. Went to the beach with the father. Came home. Fixed the computer battery (turns out i might not be magnetic after all :)) and had a family dinner at Chic-Fil-A. . . . like our family actually went and sat down there and I ate my favorite chicken strips in the world, while our family discussed racism and "Protestants vs. Catholics" baseball tournis? and went to get ice cream as I watched my father verbally/nearly physically assault a car in the parking lot! Best day in a LONG time. . . :) ilovemyfamily

I feel more loved than I have in a LONG time.
I will miss my family
but get to live with my other family all summer
biggest blessing I think I could ever want. That's reality.
I can't wait to smother everyone with the Love I've received upon my last day (prob. the best day ever!) at home!
honestly speaking, NIKOKONDA for real you guys for real :)

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