Friday, May 22, 2009

OKAY, SOOoOOOoOOO. . . clockwork.  My spring/summer season is like clockwork.  Get out of spring semester at school (or not at school last year) and come home for 1 to 2 weeks before I go to Zambia.  Week one Im home, see friends and people i wont during the summer, go bowling?, go to at least 6 types of dr.'s apts, Week 2, INSANITY!!!- check email at least 30 times  a day, make NUMEROUS lists or RANDOM things, and think.  Not that I don't every minute of every other day of the year, overly so in fact, but I REALLY think.  I have noticed some interesting, almost indescrepent items I would like to share.  

1. Johnson and Johnson's "Baby Wash."    
  it is baby shampoo/soap you use to "wash" your baby, right before you put it in the cabinet next to the cereal bowls in the kitchen."  Honestly, thats the EXACT thing I thought upon taking a shower this morning.  It struck me as strange to call it "Baby Wash."  I suppose you call it "Body Wash" as well, but with the pro-nounish word "Baby" in front sounds a bit odd and literally "objective."  It would be like saying "Man Wash" or "Girl Wash."  Im waiting for the day when I walk into Wallgreens and they have "Kasey Wash" on the shelf.  Give it time friends, give it time.  

2. Nelson Mandela Beany-Baby  
I was, of course, making a list of things I'm going to get people from London/Africa today, and I remembered I can/will purchase a Nelson Mandela Beany-Baby in the JoBurg airport?  Emmm, I'm not quite sure HOW/WHO came up with capitalizing on a previously imprisoned president of South Africa via HIGHLY over-rated kids toy?  What a way to commemorate such an amazing anti-apartheid activist!! BEANY BABY!!  that way you can carry it practically anywhere, and distract children when their bored at church while spreading awareness!?  I could be wrong, but IM PRETTY SURE we don't carry Nixon Beany-Babies in our airports in the U.S.   Correct me if im wrong/or even relevant, but it just seemed, "strange"/amazing.  Tell me if there are any takers. . . 

3. Blue Crush  
Tonight, when I was coming home from BOWLING?, I said to myself and to courtney, "I really wish I would have brought Blue Crush (the movie) home from Jackson!  I REALLY want to see it tonight!"  After packing, I turn on the T.V. and LOW AND BEHOLD, Blue Crush, in my face. . . What are the odds?   i feel okay/better now that im watching it. . . 

I've just been doing it alot for some reason, in case you havn't noticed from the previously stipulated numeraled paragraphs.  Bad or Good, undecided.  

5. God    
He is Good.  Got this new Bible right, from my pastor.  The mother actually got it while I was gone, and gave it to me to read.  It's very cool.  Called "The Voice"  its only New Testament at the moment, but I've enjoyed it.  It reads somewhat like a script?  sounds weird, but its not, trust me.  I really love how its written.  It's not divided into chapters, it's just like a narrative, which enables you to actually read it like a narrative.  Oswald Chambers told me to read John 17 today, so I did (Oswald says jump, I say how high? within reason tehe).  Jesus is talking to His Father about us.  inhabitants of the world.  Basically "appealing to [God] on their behalf" (p. 123).  He loves us.  So much.  He speaks on our behalf to His Father to keep us from evil, and to have mercy.  One of my favorite statements is 

"Immerse them in the truth, the truth Your voice speaks.  In the same way You sent Me into this world, I am sending them.  It is entirely for their benefit that i have set Myself apart so that they may be set apart by truth.  I am not asking solely for their benefit; this prayer is also for all the believers who will follow them and hear them speak.   Father, may they all be one as You are in Me and I am in You; may they be in Us, for by this unity the world will believe that You sent me." -John 17:17-21 

It was kinda a blessing to me alot today?  ha  hopefully it will be for yall as well! 


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